The Checkerboard Metropolis Algorithm Explained
In statistical physics, the Ising model claims that the physical system of magnets can be theoretically represented by a lattice arrangement of molecules. In this model, every molecule possesses a “spin”, which can align either upwards or downwards concerning an external magnetic field’s direction. We will represent these spins +1 and -1 respectively as shown in the figure below (others represent the alignment as 0 and 1).
Phase transition can be identified using the model as a simplified representation of reality. Phase transition often happens when the system moves from one zone to another and the temperature changes. The most common phase transition seen is between states of matter. For instance, from solid to liquid (ice to water). Similar to the phase changes in the states of matter, there is a phase transition in the Ising model as well. The model displays paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition. Ernst Ising solved the 1D Ising model, although it did not indicate a phase transition at a positive temperature. Lars Onsager, on the other hand, was able to demonstrate phase transition $(T_c = 2.269)$ for the 2D Ising model.
One way to study the critical phenomena — the behavior of the system near a critical point where a phase transition occurs — of the Ising model is through Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. In a Monte Carlo simulation, instead of solving a problem analytically, random numbers are generated to simulate the behavior of a system or process. These random numbers are used as inputs to the mathematical model representing the problem, and the model’s response is analyzed statistically.
A type of Monte Carlo Simulation is the Metropolis Algorithm. The pseudocode is as follows:
1. Choose an initial state S(0)=(S_1,...,S_N)
2. Choose an i randomly or sequentially and calculate ∆E=-2S_i h_i
3. If ∆E ≥ 0, then flip the spin, S_i → -S_i. If ∆E < 0, draw a uniformly distributed random number r ∈ [0,1]. If r < e^{∆E / k_B⋅T}, flip the spin, S_i → -S_i, otherwise take the old configuration into account once more.
4. Iterate 2 and 3.
An implementation in Python is shown below:
######### MODULES #############
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numba import njit
import time
######### VARIABLES #############
lattice_n = 512 # number of rows
lattice_m = lattice_n # number of columns
seed = 1 # Set seed for consistency and reproducibility
temp = 0.5 # temperature (ferromagnetic)
eq_steps = 1000 # Equilibration steps
J=1 # Interaction constant
h=0 # External magnetic field
######### FUNCTIONS #############
def set_seed():
def initial_state(N, M):
state = np.random.choice(np.array([-1,1]),size=(N,M))
return state
def mc_move(lattice, inv_T):
n = lattice.shape[0]
m = lattice.shape[1]
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
# Periodicity for neighbors out of index
ipp = (i + 1) if (i + 1) < n else 0
jpp = (j + 1) if (j + 1) < m else 0
inn = (i - 1) if (i - 1) >= 0 else (n - 1)
jnn = (j - 1) if (j - 1) >= 0 else (m - 1)
# Calculate neighbors
nb = lattice[ipp,j] + lattice[i,jpp] + lattice[inn,j] + lattice[i,jnn]
# Compute energy difference
spin = lattice[i, j]
deltaE = -2*spin*(J*nb + h)
if deltaE >= 0:
lattice[i, j] = -spin
elif np.random.rand() < np.exp(deltaE*inv_T):
lattice[i, j] = -spin
return lattice
def plot_ising(lattice, colorbar=True):
plt.imshow(lattice, cmap='gray', vmin=-1, vmax=1)
if colorbar == True:
######### SIMULATION #############
np.random.seed(seed) # set seed for reproducibility
inv_T = 1/temp # Inverse temperature
lattice = initial_state(lattice_n, lattice_m) # Initialize the lattice
initial_lattice = lattice.copy() # Copy lattice for the plotting
mc_move(lattice, inv_T) # for compilation of numba
# Equilibration
start_time = time.time() # start timer for performance evaluation
for i in range(eq_steps):
mc_move(lattice, inv_T)
end_time = time.time() # records end time
total_time = end_time - start_time
flips_per_ns = ((lattice_n * lattice_m * eq_steps) / total_time) * 1e-9
print('Finished simulation for the metropolis algorithm...')
print(f'flips/ns: {flips_per_ns}')
# Plot the lattices
When we try to animate the flipping of the Metropolis simulation, it is shown below.
The problem with the Metropolis algorithm is its performance — only a single spin is being flipped at a time. One way to strategize for the performance of the simulation is through parallel computing. Code can be run more quickly and efficiently with the aid of parallel computing. We could implement parallel computing using the multiple cores we have on our CPU. Although, a better option would be through the use of GPU as it allows faster computation.
To implement parallel computing, we must consider the dependency of each spin — the complexity of parallel computing remains a challenge for every application of it as it requires careful consideration of dependencies between tasks. If we’re going to update all of the spins at once, it would raise such problems:
The neighboring spins for each iteration may differ, not allowing us to implement a random seed. The calculation of the properties of the model may have inconsistencies and fluctuations. Thus, the checkerboard algorithm was created. It allows parallel spin updates exclusively within non-interacting domains. The pseudocode for the checkerboard algorithm is as follows:
Populate an 𝑛 × 𝑚/2 array of random values. Update spins on the lattice for the current color using the opposite-colored lattice spin values and the random value array. For the first step, an example of n×m/2 array is shown below. The image on the left is the array. When we convert it into the lattice, it would show the second image.
This is also the case for the white lattice:
Combining the arrays would result in a checkerboard,
For the second step, we’ll update the following with the random values. From the images, the number only represents the indices. The images below show an array of random values. Similar to the metropolis algorithm, we’ll use the metropolis criterion. We’ll first calculate the \Delta E of the spin. If ∆E < 0, we’ll use the Metropolis criterion r < e^{∆E/k_B⋅T} using the random values we’ve generated.
— picture
We’ll do the update of the spins in parallel. The simulation of the checkerboard algorithm is shown below.
— picture
The implementation using Python with the help of Numba to implement parallelization, we could run the following simulation.
######### MODULES #############
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numba import njit, prange
import time
######### VARIABLES #############
lattice_n = 512 # number of rows
lattice_m = lattice_n # number of columns
seed = 1 # Set seed for consistency and reproducibility
temp = 0.5 # temperature (ferromagnetic)
eq_steps = 1000 # Equilibration steps
J=1 # Interaction constant
h=0 # External magnetic field
######### FUNCTIONS #############
def set_seed():
def generate_lattice(N, M):
return np.random.choice(np.array([-1,1], dtype=np.int8),size=(N,M))
def generate_array(N, M):
return np.random.rand(N, M)
def mc_move(lattice, op_lattice, randvals, is_black, inv_temp):
n,m = lattice.shape
for i in prange(n):
for j in prange(m):
# Set stencil indices with periodicity
ipp = (i + 1) if (i + 1) < n else 0
jpp = (j + 1) if (j + 1) < m else 0
inn = (i - 1) if (i - 1) >= 0 else (n - 1)
jnn = (j - 1) if (j - 1) >= 0 else (m - 1)
# Select off-column index based on color and row index parity
if (is_black):
joff = jpp if (i % 2) else jnn
joff = jnn if (i % 2) else jpp
# Compute sum of nearest neighbor spins
nn_sum = op_lattice[inn, j] + op_lattice[i, j] + op_lattice[ipp, j] + op_lattice[i, joff]
# Compute sum of nearest neighbor spins (taking values from neighboring
spin_i = lattice[i, j]
deltaE = -2* spin_i*(J*nn_sum+h)
if deltaE >= 0:
lattice[i, j] = -spin_i
elif randvals[i, j] < np.exp(deltaE*inv_temp):
lattice[i, j] = -spin_i
return lattice
def combine_lattice(lattice_black, lattice_white):
lattice = np.zeros((lattice_n, lattice_m), dtype=np.int8)
for i in prange(lattice_n):
for j in prange(lattice_m // 2):
if (i % 2):
lattice[i, 2*j+1] = lattice_black[i, j]
lattice[i, 2*j] = lattice_white[i, j]
lattice[i, 2*j] = lattice_black[i, j]
lattice[i, 2*j+1] = lattice_white[i, j]
return lattice
def plot_ising(lattice, colorbar=True):
plt.imshow(lattice, cmap='gray', vmin=-1, vmax=1)
if colorbar == True:
######### SIMULATION #############
set_seed() # set seed for reproducibility
lattice_black = generate_lattice(lattice_n, lattice_m//2) # m/2 array for black lattice
lattice_white = generate_lattice(lattice_n, lattice_m//2) # m/2 array for white lattice
initial_lattice = combine_lattice(lattice_black, lattice_white).copy() # get a snapshot of initial lattice
inv_temp = 1.0/temp # Inverse temperature
# Compilation
randvals = generate_array(lattice_n, lattice_m//2)
mc_move(lattice_black, lattice_white, randvals, True, inv_temp)
randvals = generate_array(lattice_n, lattice_m//2)
mc_move(lattice_white, lattice_black, randvals, False, inv_temp)
# Equilibration
start_time = time.time() # start timer for performance evaluation
for i in range(eq_steps):
randvals = generate_array(lattice_n, lattice_m//2)
mc_move(lattice_black, lattice_white, randvals, True, inv_temp)
randvals = generate_array(lattice_n, lattice_m//2)
mc_move(lattice_white, lattice_black, randvals, False, inv_temp)
end_time = time.time() # records end time
total_time = end_time - start_time
lattice = combine_lattice(lattice_black, lattice_white).copy() # combine black and white lattice
flips_per_ns = ((lattice_n * lattice_m * eq_steps) / total_time) * 1e-9
print('Finished simulation for the checkerboard algorithm...')
print(f'flips/ns: {flips_per_ns}')
# Plot the lattices
Comparing the two simulations side by side, we could see its difference.
— gif
The following results for low lattice sizes (figure shown below) are from our research paper, showing the benefits of parallel computing almost at all lattice sizes. Of course, there are still drawbacks to implementing parallel, but it only happens at a single lattice size and the difference isn’t that high.
— picture
The following results for low lattice sizes (figure shown below) are from our research paper, showing the benefits of parallel computing almost at all lattice sizes. Of course, there are still drawbacks to implementing parallel, but it only happens at a single lattice size and the difference isn’t that high.
— picture
To conclude, accelerating the Monte Carlo simulation of the 2D Ising model enables more efficient exploration of the model’s behavior, expands the range of system sizes that can be studied, and enhances the study of dynamic properties.
Note (Package Requirements)!!!
Please install the following packages for it to work:
- numpy
- matplotlib
- numba
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